The ‘Urban Spa’ project started in 2012 as a translation of an in depth research on relaxation for people living in cities with high population densities. As a result, Studio Harm Rensink created the ‘Urban Spa’, a one centimeter deep indoor lake with in the centre an inflatable sauna installation.
With Urban Spa Studio Harm Rensink made a sensory activity that relaxes the minds of city inhabitants. It was realised at the Schellens factory during the Dutch Design Week in Eindhoven. At the end of every day, visitors could book a steam visit and enjoy the urban spa experience. The warm cloud of steam enabled people to gradually disappear from the hectic urban environment and their daily work. Alongside they were provided with highly tactile bathrobes, towels, slippers and soaps.
Many individuals are stuck in fixed life-patterns, struggling, surviving - each in his or her own way - and processing a high load of multidirectional information: the things they do, things they see, things they wish or work for. Since the ‘Urban Spa’ project, Studio Harm Rensink has continued to research, test and develop wellness installations as they feel there is a social need for it that has to be fulfilled.